Since his 14 years old, he was enrolated in the patriotic ranks, at orders of Antonio Nariño; so, he participated in various battles. Then, in 1822 he was an aide de camp of Simon Bolivar.
In 1824, in a Battle of Barbacoas, he received a shot in his jaw. For it, he was operated in U.S.A. There, the doctors put him a half metallic prothesis of jaw.
In his military activity, he was quartermaster general and commandant of the Cauca. In this moment he losed the battle of “La Ladera”, an unforgettable situation for him.
Then he participated in the war of Peru. There, he obtained the rank of general, conceded for Simon Bolivar to him, after the battle of Tarqui.
He loved the military life, and this was his strong field.
Then of his promotion, in 1838, he was designated Naval Secretary by the president Jose Ignacio de Marquez. In this period he had to confront the war called “Guerra de los Supremos”. There, he ordered to execute Salvador Cordoba (brother of Jose Maria Cordoba) and six of his comrade in arms. This war was won for the government and Tomas Cipriano was covered by the military glory.
In 1854 he participated in the military job to the government of Jose Maria Melo, and won. In 1860, he fought against the government of “Confederacion Granadina” (granadine confederation) and won. So, he obtained a new presidential period for him.
Then, his military life was not very intense, and his political life grew.
He was proud and strict with his enemies, accord to his political ideology.*(This picture was of 1824. In this year, Tommy received a shot that destroyed his jaw).